1·A succession of bad harvest had reduced the small farmer to penury.
2·A small farmer has a bad year, followed by another bad year with prospects for more of the same.
3·The small farmer hand holds hayfork and stands to seem to publicize the little world that to protect him over there.
4·Raiford Calvert was made first lieutenant, because everybody liked Raif, and Abel Wynder, son of a swamp trapper, himself a small farmer, was elected second lieutenant.
5·A new “peasant-farmer reserve zone” will be created near the Montes de Maria, an area where agribusinesses have been buying land from indebted small farmers at bargain prices.
新的农民保护区将建立在Montes de Maria附近,在那里农业综合企业从负债的小农场主手中以便宜的价格买入土地。
6·He was just plain Cracker, a small farmer, half-educated, prone to grammatical errors and ignorant of some of the finer manners the O'Haras were accustomed to in gentlemen.
他只不过是个普通的山地人。 一个文化程度不高的小农,说话时间或有文法错误,也不怎么懂得奥哈拉家族在上流社会习惯上的那些礼貌。
7·It was, according to Webb, the colonial governors who favored the small farmer, opposed the plantation system, and tried through taxation to break up large holdings of land.
8·It is a tool developed by a farmer with a small loan from local bank.
9·In 1943, a Mexican farmer was surprised to see smoke rising from a small part of his land.
10·Mr Mujica, a former Tupamaro guerrilla leader of the 1970s, is a small-holding farmer who leads an austere life and has a strong personal and emotional rapport with the poor.